Indiana Tobacco Quitline Can Help Guide New Year Resolution Plans

As the year draws to a close, many people may already be establishing their new year’s resolutions. If giving up tobacco is on your 2018 to-do-list, the Indiana Tobacco Quitline is a good resource to utilize.

The free, phone-based counseling service can assist a variety of tobacco users including expectant mothers, former smokers seeking relapse prevention and tobacco users in any stage of readiness to quit. The telephone service can also assist friends and relatives of tobacco users who wish to offer support to their loved ones.

When someone calls into the service, a trained Quit Coach will provide an assessment of readiness to quit, a customized quit plan, motivation and problem-solving advice and up-to-date information about nicotine replacement therapy. Continue reading

Get a Better Education This New Year

The new year is just two short days away, so it will soon be time to get started on fulfilling those new years resolutions. One popular resolution is to get a better education, but that is certainly a time-consuming and daunting task. Fortunately, the folks over at Ancilla College are offering an opportunity for first-time students to get their feet wet in post-secondary education.

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Resolving to Help Others This New Year? Visit Serve.Gov

A common new years resolution is to volunteer to help others or spend your time benefiting your community, but many people fail to follow through with the resolution, either due to a lack of time or lack of knowledge about how to go about lending a helping hand. Fortunately, the Corporation for National and Community Services has a wealth of information available on their website to help you get started.

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