Webb, Givens Sentenced to Home Detention For Meth Possession

Kristen Webb

Two Starke County residents were sentenced in Starke Circuit Court Wednesday morning after pleading guilty to methamphetamine-related charges.

Kristen Webb and Joseph Givens pleaded guilty to charges of Possession of Methamphetamine and Maintaining a Common Nuisance. They were ordered to serve three years for the charge of Possession of Methamphetamine which will be served on home detention. On the charge of Maintaining a Common Nuisance, the pair were sentenced to three years in the Department of Corrections with all of that sentence suspended to be served on probation. They were ordered to pay court costs and a drug interdiction fee of $250. If they successfully complete probation, they can petition the court for modification for misdemeanor treatment.

Webb and Givens were arrested after an incident on Nov. 23, 2011 when Knox City Police officers executed a search warrant at a home on Portland Street and drug activity was present.

Plea Agreements Rejected For Two In Starke Circuit Court

Kristen Webb and Joshua Givens were in Starke Circuit Court yesterday for sentencing hearings.

The pair were arrested on November 23, 2011 after officers from the Knox City Police Department executed a search warrant at 605 South Portland Street after learning of possible drug activity at the residence. Police reportedly found methamphetamine, marijuana, controlled substances and paraphernalia at the residence. Five people were arrested as a result of the search warrant.

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Five Arrested on Drug Charges Appear for Initial Hearings in Starke Circuit Court

Kristen Webb

Brooke Webb

Nikki Givens

Zachariah Whitfield

Joseph Givens

Following their arrest on November 23rd at a residence in Knox, the five individuals arrested in relation to drug activity at 605 South Portland Street made their initial appearances in the Starke Circuit Court yesterday.

Joseph Givens and Kristin Webb face charges of Possession of Methamphetamine, two counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance, Maintaining a Common Nuisance, and Possession of Marijuana, while Brooke Webb is charged with Possession of Methamphetamine, four counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Marijuana, and Visiting a Common Nuisance. Nikki Givens faces charges of Possession of Methamphetamine, Maintaining a Common Nuisance, and Possession of Marijuana, and Zachariah Whitfield faces a charge of Maintaining a Common Nuisance.

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Five Arrested after Officers Execute Search Warrant

Nikki Givens

Kristen Webb

Brooke Webb

Zachariah Whitfield

Officers from the Knox City Police Department executed a search warrant at 605 South Portland Street.  Police learned of possible drug activity at the residence and executed a search warrant on Wednesday, November 23rd. Officers reportedly found methamphetamine, marijuana, controlled substances and paraphernalia at the residence. Five people were arrested as a result of the search warrant. Continue reading