Local Heroin Use Grows, Look for Signs of Drug Activity

Heroin can be a brown or white powder or a thick, black substance, known as “black tar.”

Heroin use is a growing concern for local law enforcement. Detective Dave Combs with the Knox Police Department says it first showed up in Starke County a few years ago and quickly grew in popularity. He says it typically comes into the area from the south side of Chicago and South Bend. The drug is derived from the opium plant and is imported from Mexico. Combs adds users can buy a folded foil packet of heroin for about $20 and get high.  Continue reading

Knox Police Seeking Public’s Help in Identifying Child Pornography Victims

Robert Wisilinski
Robert Wisilinski

Additional charges could be filed against a Knox man accused of molesting a young boy at his Heaton Street home. Robert M. Wisilinski, 67, is charged with child molesting as a level 1 felony, child solicitation as a level 5 felony and child pornography as a level 6 felony. Detective Dave Combs with the Knox Police Department says officers traced a young boy reported missing on over the weekend to Wisilinski’s home Sunday evening. Continue reading

Judge to Review Evidence in Corbin Case

 Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall took evidence under advisement that was presented in a 404B hearing Tuesday morning. The hearing involved the argument surrounding the allowance of evidence into a trial where Robert Corbin is a defendant.

It is alleged that Corbin and a student at Knox High School exchanged inappropriate messages while he was a teacher at the school corporation. The acts reportedly happened in a time period between January and March 2012. Corbin was arrested in the beginning of April 2012 on two counts of attempted child seduction as a Class D felony.

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Preliminary Autopsy Finds Infant Died of Natural Causes


An infant who was found unresponsive early Thursday morning in Knox died of natural causes.

Knox City Police Detective Dave Combs, the deputy coroner and a representative from the Department of Child Services learned the preliminary results of the autopsy conducted by a Fort Wayne Pathologist on Friday.

The exact cause of death will not be known for another six to eight weeks as testing is ongoing.

Services for 3-week-old Olivia Robinson were held yesterday afternoon at the Braman and Bailey Funeral Home in North Judson.

A Deadly Drug is Hitting the Streets of Starke County

A drug symposium held recently by the representatives of the Moving Starke County Forward organization named methamphetamine as one of the most abused drugs in the area. Those in attendance discussed ways to combat the problem that plagues many, but now a new drug is hitting the streets of Starke County: heroin.

Knox City Police Detective Dave Combs explained that he and the other officers in Starke County are aware of the new epidemic and are doing what they can to get the drug out of the hands of dealers and users.

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