N.J.-S.P. Elementary Principal Announces Retirement Plans

Mike McBride

A local school corporation will soon be looking for a new elementary school principal. Mike McBride told the North Judson-San Pierre School Board last night he is leaving at the end of the school year. His last day will be June 30, 2017.

“Although I have enjoyed working with everyone, personal reasons necessitate that I vacate my position and focus on improving my health,” McBride told the board.

He also promised to do whatever is necessary to ensure a smooth transition as the corporation moves ahead.

McBride has been principal at North Judson-San Pierre Elementary for the past 17 years and was at LaCrosse for 20 years before that. He was previously named district principal of the year and had four 4-Star Schools at LaCrosse.

His tenure at N.J.-S.P. includes five A’s and three B’s in eight graded years at N.J.-S.P.

McBride has also been a member of the Indiana School Safety Academy since 1999. He’s also a board member of Starke United, Marshall Starke Communities in Schools and has served as a Mint Festival Officer for 27 years.

N.J.-S.P. Principal Dr. Annette Zupin says a retirement celebration for McBride will take place later in the school year. Both she and school board president Pat Goin thanked him for his years of service and wished him well in his future endeavors.