Starke County Commissioners Seek Board and Commission Members

starke-county-courthouseThe Starke County Commissioners are looking for local residents to fill seats on various boards and commissions in 2017. Qualifications vary by position and can include political affiliation, professional accreditation or residency. Party affiliation is determined by the most recent primary election in which the individual voted or letter of support provided by the party chairman.

Currently seated board members may be given preference for a subsequent term.

Letters of interest should be sent to the Starke County Auditor, 53 E. Mound St., Knox, IN 46534 by the close of business on Tuesday, Dec. 27. Contact Commissioners Kathy Norem, Don Binkley or Commissioner-Elect Charles Chesak for additional information.

Click 2017 Starke County Commissioner Appointments for more information or visit the county’s website,