Knox Utility Rate Increase Passes on Second Reading

Knox Elected Officials

The Knox City Council has taken another step toward raising municipal utility rates. Members Tuesday night approved water and sewer rate increase ordinances on second reading.

The proposed rates are based on a rate study conducted for the city by accounting firm Umbaugh and Associates. It took into account infrastructure needs for maintaining both services at appropriate levels.

If approved, changes in water rates will take effect immediately, while sewer rate increases will be phased in over the next two years. According to a minimum bill comparison for total water and sewer rates, consumers can expect to see a nearly $13 increase in 2016. Prices would increase another $7 the year after.

New Councilman Tim Manns cast the lone dissenting vote against both increases, saying he’s gotten numerous complaints from constituents who are upset about the proposed hikes.

Third reading of both ordinances is anticipated at the Jan. 26th meeting.