Keep Pets Warm in Cold Weather

 Temperatures are falling and it’s time to make arrangements to keep pets warm as winter arrives.

It might be a good idea to take your pets to the veterinarian to see if they have any condition that may make them more vulnerable to the cold temperatures.

When you take your pet outside, stay with them. As long as you start to feel cold, your pet will feel the same way so it’s best to bring them inside to keep warm. If your pets are strictly outdoor pets, make sure they have a warm, solid shelter against the wind, thick bedding and plenty of non-frozen water.

Regardless of their health, though, no pets should stay outside for unlimited amounts of time in freezing cold weather. If you have any questions about how long your pet should be out this winter, ask your veterinarian.

Pets that go outside can pick up rock salt, ice, and chemical ice melts in their foot pads. To keep your pet’s pads from getting chapped and raw, wipe off feet with a washcloth when the animal comes inside.