Building Corporation, Commissioners Discuss Courthouse Renovations

starke-county-courthouseMoney to renovate the second floor of the Starke County Courthouse could come from the county economic development income tax funds used to pay for the new jail. At that time the existing jail across from the courthouse will be renovated to accommodate Starke County Community Corrections and the probation department. Plans call for the prosecutor’s office to move from the basement of the current jail into the courthouse and the current clerk’s office to be renovated. Earlier this week the Starke County Building Corporation blessed the plan but noted the work is contingent on available funds. The county commissioners also agreed to consider options.

The Starke Circuit Courtroom will will remain on the third floor of the courthouse. County officials opted to build a courtroom in the new correctional complex during initial construction should additional space be necessary in the future, and it may be used for proceedings once the jail is open if necessary.