Marshall County Commissioners Approve Consolidated Polling Sites


The Marshall County Commissioners approved the consolidation of several polling sites within the county during their meeting Monday morning.

Clerk Julie Fox and a representative from the Marshall County Election Board appeared before the commissioners with the consolidation proposal. All locations are ADA compliant. Plymouth went though redistricting which warranted change and it was the decision of the board to consolidate Center 1 and 2, Center 3 and 4, Center 5 and 6, and Center 7 and 8 into four separate voting locations. Also, Bourbon, German, North, Polk, Union, Walnut and West Township Precinct were all consolidated.

The National Guard Armory will be used for voters in Center Township 1 and 2 and Fox explained that a ramp needs to be installed at the building to comply with ADA requirements. That should be done by the Primary Election. The funds for this project will be used out of leftover HAVA (Help America Vote Act) grant monies.

Fox noted that the consolidation would help save the county money and it would alleviate confusion and stress for workers and voters.

The commissioners approved the 2014 Primary Election voting sites as presented by the election board.

The consolidation locations can be found here: Marshall County Polling Sites