Several Candidates Announce Intention to Run in 2014 Primary Election

The Starke County Clerk’s office has received notice of candidates who have expressed their intention to run for office in the 2014 Primary Election.

The candidates listed have filed the appropriate forms to organize an Election Committee with the Starke County Clerk.

The sheriff candidates include William Bope, James Strong and Greg Wireman on the Republican (R) ticket and Bill Dulin and Harold Smith on the Democrat (D) ticket. Other candidates include: Vicki Cooley (D) for Starke County Clerk, Nicholas Bourff (D) for prosecutor, Donald Binkley for commissioner district 2, Lisa Minix (D) for recorder, Dannie Hoffer (D) for coroner, and Mark Allen (D) for Oregon Township Trustee.

The first day a candidate can sign up to appear on the 2014 Primary Election ballot will be Wednesday, Jan. 8. The filing period will last until Feb. 7 at noon.

All potential candidates must file in the clerk’s office with the exception of the prosecutor. Prosecutor candidates need to file an intention to run for office in the Election Division in Indianapolis.