Wednesday is Walk to School Day

This Wednesday, Oct. 9 is Walk to School Day!

Last year, 48 schools around the state registered walking events with the National Center for Safe Routes to School.

To find the safest route to school, the National Center for Safe Routes to School recommends that look for places to walk or bicycle that are separated from traffic. Choose sidewalks or paths where possible and avoid traffic. Minimize the number of street crossings and avoid multi-land roads. Avoid routes where there may be loose dogs, crime, vacant buildings or poorly lit streets.

Walk to School Day began in 1997 as a one-day event to building awareness of the need for safe, walkable communities. It also serves as a reminder to increase physical activity among children, as well as pedestrian safety, traffic congestion, and concern for the environment.

Walking or biking to school helps children meet the 60 minutes of daily physical activity recommended by health officials.

Set aside a few extra minutes this Wednesday to walk or bike to school by participating in Walk to School Day!