Public Hearing Scheduled for EPSC Proposed Superintendent Contact


A public hearing will be held on Monday, Aug. 12 at 5:30 p.m. ET at the Eastern Pulaski Community School Corporation to discuss the pending superintendent’s contract.

By law, the school board members must hold a public hearing disclosing details of the superintendent’s proposed contract.

According to the school’s legal notice, the superintendent’s contract term will be from Aug. 13, 2013 to June 30, 2016. The base annual salary for the incoming superintendent will be $100,000 with a work year of 260 days with 15 allowable vacation days, three personal days and 10 sick days during the 2013-2014 school year. The superintendent will receive a proposed seven sick days during the 2015-2016 school year.

The school corporation will also pay all reasonable expenses for the superintendent to attend state and national conferences with prior board approval. The school corporation will reimburse the superintendent for the annual cost of a cell phone under this proposed contract.

The superintendent will also be reviewed annually. If the superintendent is evaluated as either highly effective or effective the school board may grant the superintendent a base salary increase. The superintendent is also required to direct his/her full time and attention to the business of the school corporation and not to outside activities unless specifically approved by the school board.

The complete proposed contract will be available soon on the corporation’s website and at the public hearing on Aug. 12.