Golden Hoosier Award Nominations Are Being Accepted For 2012

Nominations are being accepted for the 2012 Golden Hoosier Award. The award was established by Indiana Lt. Governor Becky Skillman in collaboration and partnership with the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration to acknowledge and recognize outstanding seniors for their lifetime of service to their communities.

The highest honor bestowed upon a senior in Indiana, the ideal Golden Hoosier is considered an “unsung hero,” who has not received previous recognition for the impact they have made in the lives of others and their community.

The Golden Hoosier Award recipient must be 65 years of age or older by January 1, 2012, and must have contributed at least three years of volunteer experience at any point after reaching 60 years of age. The recipient must have made a positive impact on members of a community, civic organization, or faith-based organization through volunteer efforts, and must be a resident of Indiana. Individuals that have previously been recognized for their contributions to the community should not be nominated.

For more information, call Community Services of Starke County at (574) 772-9036. You can also click HERE to download the nomination form.